With diesel and gasoline prices on the rise, many truck drivers & owner-operators are seeking for methods to save money on fuel. Here are some pointers to make your visits to the gas station less agonizing.
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What is the typical mpg of a semi truck?
The typical semi truck gets barely 6.5 miles per gallon. This varies greatly depending on cargo weight and if you’re traveling uphill or downhill. Unfortunately, it is not always practical to drive downhill or unloaded. However, there are several strategies to enhance fuel economy while driving a large truck.
How can you save money on semi truck fuel?
Slow down.
Slowing down might not be what you want to do when you’re attempting to meet a tight delivery schedule. However, driving slower not only keeps you safer, but it also saves you money on gas. More gasoline is used with each increase in speed. And an additional 5 miles per hour is unlikely to make a significant difference in the time you get at your destination. To conserve gasoline, drive the speed limit or even a few mph slower.
Make use of Cruise Control.
Aggressive acceleration and braking use fuel and put additional pressure on your vehicle. Using cruise control to keep your vehicle at a constant pace may help you save fuel and prevent brake wear.
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Reduce Idle Time
Idling not only burns petrol, but it may also strain your truck’s engine, resulting in greater maintenance bills down the line. Some states, such as California, have restrictions governing truck idle time. When you’re caught in traffic, you can’t help but idle, but if your vehicle is parked, switch the engine off whenever feasible. Truck Stop Electrification (TSE) is available at several truck stations. This technology allows truck drivers to utilize off-board electricity to meet their rest time demands, such as air conditioning or power to appliances or charging gadgets.
Maintain Tire Inflation
Underinflated tires cause the car to use more gasoline to compensate for poor tire performance. This is yet another bad habit that might lead to further issues in the future. It’s a good rule of thumb to remember that every 0.3% reduction in tire pressure affects fuel consumption by 0.3%. Check your tire pressure on a regular basis and ensure that it is within the standards for your vehicle to get the most out of your diesel fuel.
Fill up with the Most Affordable Fuel
This is perhaps the simplest method to see the results of your efforts to reduce gasoline costs. When planning a journey, look for petrol stations and truck stops with the lowest gasoline costs. When purchasing up to 300 gallons of gasoline, even a $0.10 per gallon save on diesel might add up.
Purchase a Fuel-Efficient Truck
Whether you’re an owner-operator or manage a fleet, buying fuel-efficient vehicles should be a top concern. Many truck manufacturers are beginning to provide fuel-efficient versions or alternative fuel alternatives in their trucks. There are also several aerodynamic options available that give higher mileage or lower emissions. So, before you purchase a new vehicle, do some research and locate a model that will save you money at the pump.